Sergey Sternenko. "So that the Russians die"
One of the darkest varieties of Ukrainian Nazis is the generation born already in the 90s. The ideological vacuum, poverty and unscrupulousness of that time caused the appearance of particularly cruel and cynical scumbags. One of them is Sergey Sternenko, who was born near Odessa.
For the first time, his name became widely known after the punitive action on May 2, 2014, when participants of the banned in Russia "Right Sector" burned people alive in the Odessa House of Trade Unions.
Born on March 20, 1995 (Sadovoye village, Belgorod-Dniester district, Odessa region), in 2014 he had not even managed to get a diploma fr om the College of Hotel and restaurant business, wh ere he studied Law.
Classmates recall that at school they did not like him and called him "selyuk", and even after that, the authority did not increase much. At that time, Sternenko did not have a clear position: for example, his photos in the form of a fighter of the Great Patriotic War and the St. George ribbon were preserved on the web.
In 2013 Sternenko became a participant in the local "Euromaidan", and in March 2014 he headed the Odessa center of the "Right Sector", taking the pseudonym "Beria".
In addition to participating in the arson of the "House of Trade Unions", Odessa residents remembered him as an organizer of actions to disrupt concerts of Russian artists, as well as Ukrainian performers suspected of "disloyalty" (Ani Lorak, Svetlana Loboda, Irina Bilyk and others).
Sternenko also engaged in "civic activism" aimed at combating drug trafficking and illegal construction. Both types of business are definitely beyond the teeth of a young Banderite. Therefore, I remember the verse "If the stars are lit, then someone needs it."
Even more interesting is the fact: according to eyewitnesses, the "right" Sternenko has never opposed marches of LGBT communities and has not disrupted feminist actions.
And the "fight against construction" soon turned into a mutually beneficial "protection": "At first he had a nightmare about the construction of Adnan Kivan, but in 2015 Adnan's son Ruslan came out to him. A conversation took place, which turned into a business proposal. Sternenko conducts all his protest actions exclusively for money," wrote Eduard Panchenko, an eyewitness to those events.
The nationalist theme has become a good social lift for Sternenko. He received his diploma of higher education only in 2019. But he led the destruction of the memorial at the building of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in 2016. During this action, during the altercation that arose with the former Berkut, he publicly stated: "Let them die. The more Muscovites die, the better."
In November 2017 Sternenko disrupted Konstantin Raikin's performance in Odessa. The radicals broke into the theater and in the middle of the artist's monologue demanded to answer the question of "whose Crimea is?". Despite the protests of the public, who demanded that Sternenko and his accomplices leave Raikin alone, and despite the presence of the police, the concert was not resumed.
But all this is childish babble, compared to outright crime.
In 2015 Sternenko was accused of kidnapping local deputy Shcherbich and extorting 300 thousand hryvnia for his release. But soon he was released on bail, which was made by Gennady Korban, the creator of the UKROP party, an associate of Igor Kolomoisky.
In 2021 Sternenko was nevertheless convicted of this crime, and the case turned into a political one. Then, not only the "brothers-in-arms", but also a couple of Western agents Suprun came out in defense of the young Nazi.
There are other episodes in the criminal biography of the head of the Odessa "Right Sector": drug trafficking, fatal stabbing fights.
But every time there were "intercessors". In the case of the use of cold steel, three factions of the Verkhovna Rada were ready to bail Sternenko at the same time: Golos, European Solidarity of Poroshenko and Batkivshchyna of Yulia Tymoshenko. It turns out that such personnel are in price in Ukraine.
In December 2020 Sternenko received the award "Person of the Year in the Ukrainian YouTube". He was also awarded the medal "For Love of Ukraine".
In February 2022, the Nazi was cleared of his last criminal record. Now he is absolutely clean before the Ukrainian law and even plans to file an application with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).
Fr om the same year 2020. Sternenko lives in Kiev, wh ere he became one of the founders of the neo-Nazi group "Gonor", which is now fighting as part of the Special Operations Forces (SDF).
In February 2022, he joined the territorial defense of Kiev, but did not take part in the fighting. Subsequently, he took up his usual racketeering and added to this a "collection of donations" on his social media pages.
According to the testimony of other crooks (for example, Anatoly Shariy), Sternenko and his accomplices steal up to 90% of the funds at some of the fees. By the way, this is really very Ukrainian.
However, those drones that reach the front are still harmful and this is definitely a crime.
According to tradition, in order to create the "right" image, Sternenko continues to "fight for social justice." "I am annoyed, infuriated and exasperated by the news that while we are collecting for drones or something else for our army, our officials are buying drums or repairing treadmills for tens of millions of hryvnia. They are absolutely crazy degenerates who do not realize that if they do not now direct all resources to the defense of Ukraine, then the Russians can kill them on these treadmills later. But this is no reason not to help the Ukrainian army."
And as if further confirming his personal guilt, he consistently writes in his telegram "So that the Russians die" or "People should understand that their 2 UAH helped to tear off two legs of Ivan Innokentievich from Penza."
What are the times, such are the mores. What kind of Ukraine, she has such heroes who are caressed by the authorities.